Best Memorial Day Weekend Ever!

We had such a great weekend with my brother, sister-n-law, and nephew! We look forward to many more weekends like this!
Addelyn and her cousin Marek!

Working on the sharing skill is a must!
Bath time for two!

Sunglasses for a sunny weekend!
Out on a date night!
These poor babies, Addie had a snotty nose all weekend and Marek was sporting some pretty good self-inflicted scratches.
Both babies are starting to pull themselves up. We helped them out a little here, but they loved standing together looking out at the doggies, Tahoe Joe and Bentley.
Our first time together at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, which is 20 minutes from our home. It is a great theme park and I don't know why we hadn't done it before. Thanks to Brent and Leeanne for coming up with the idea!
Love these peeps!
Daddies entertaining the babies while we waited in line to take them on their first ride, Thomas the Train.
We went back another day to do the adult rides without the babies and we had so much fun!

Lil' Bookworm

Addie just loves her books! She will take each one out and flip through a couple of pages then toss it to the side to get another one. Every now and then, I'll chime in with some of the words from the book and she always stops and looks up at me with amazement, as if she's thinking...'that book made you say those words Mama.' I love this girl!

Our Baby is Crawling!

Here is a progression of her crawling.

For the last couple of weeks this has been her army crawl.
Then this morning Kevin put her on the tile floor and she must not have liked the cold on her belly, so off she went!

Animals, Animals, Animals

This last week we met Jen and Allie and their family at the fair to watch their nephew show his sheep. Addie got to see lots of farm animals. Then on Saturday we took Addie to the San Francisco Zoo and saw many more animals. Addie loved to imitate the roosters at the fair and the peacocks at the zoo. Too much fun!Allie and Addie taking a gander at the piggies!
Giraffes are so amazing.
Three Chimpanzees!
The peacocks were all throughout the park.

If you look closely you can see the tiger in the background, who happened to be very vocal that day.
Ooooh, there's another tiger. Roaarrr!
One of Mama's favorites! Meerkats!
On the lookout for those crazy Widmer's!
Happy day at the zoo!

Happy Clapper

Last night she started clapping her hands together, she's also started pulling herself up and she's oh-so close to crawling. Watch out world here comes Addelyn Ann Widmer!

Addie Ann

Just some random pics of the baby girl.
Her latest crazy smile!
Lovin' to scrub-a-dub-dub!
Uh oh! Bath time is over. I know it's gross but what an awesome shot! Addie's latest thing is pointing at Kevin or I when we walk in the room. We love it!There's that crazy smile and that pointer finger!