
This last week Addie and I got in some much needed playdates. We met Crystal and Skylar for lunch at Fenton's Ice Cream Parlor. After lunch, the babies rode a few rides and had a hayday sampling Jelly Belly's! The next day we had a date with the Hulbert girls!
While Jen and I were catching up, we looked over at Allie and Addie eating their lunch and noticed Addie had made sure she was properly accessorized for the occasion.Allie was such a good share-er and friend.
She even let me know when Addie's diaper was stinky! Love that girl!After Paige woke up from her nap we got some playtime in with her too! She's adorable and such a happy baby! It brought back many memories of Addie at this age, about this same time last year!

Hiking with the Cows

The sun FINALLY came out and we decided to go on a little hike today. By the time we got out the sun had hidden back behind the clouds again, but at least it was dry.
On our hike we were greeted by none other than one of Addelyn's favorite animals! She was moo-ing like crazy at these poor animals, they probably didn't know what to make of us!
Feeling a little nervous with Bessie so close to the trail.
"Airplane! Airplane!"

Aloha Elmo!

Daddy was gone for a whole week in Hawaii for work. We miss him a lot when he has to go away for work, but he sure has his ways of letting us know he's thinking of us. We haven't gotten too into the Disney/Sesame Street characters, but for some reason Addie recognizes Elmo with great ease. normally shy, don't-want-any-attention husband decided to send a picture of him with drunk Elmo on the streets of Honolulu. Love it!

Happy Heart Day!

Addelyn Ann making her 2011 Valentines.Much love to you all!

The Widmers

Row, row, row your boat...

Thankfully we didn't do any rowing.
We had a great time taking Addie out for her first adventure on the boat though!


Wow! What a day!?! My school put on a ski day and we went up to support my families who took part. It was a gorgeous day!
Having lunch at the lodge.
Chronic runny nose didn't stop her from playing in the bouncy house.

Headed up the lift for some sledding and tubbing.
"Bye, bye Daddy."
(We've graduated from Dada.)
At the top and ready for the slopes.
Her first trip down with Daddy.

I must tell you that we ended our day with the first ever Widmer Family Sting Operation. Yesterday Kevin's car got broken into and among other things his laptop was stolen. So on our way back through Sacramento, we got a call saying someone found his laptop. Long story short, they wanted reward money for turning in his laptop. Hmmm. So with the help of the Sacramento County Sheriffs we set 'em up and they took the bait! Kevin has his laptop back and we're a step closer to catchin' the scum who broke into his car! (The baby and I really hid in the car around the corner, as ordered by the sheriffs and Kevin and the sheriffs did all the work.)

Naughty and She Knows It

Tonight Kevin attended his monthly fishing meeting, so it was just Addie and I. On any given night I give her a bath and she waits with me, as the tub fills up. But tonight, I turned around and she was gone. So I called for her and waited a bit. Nothing. Then I started looking for her. As I left the master bedroom and went down the hall, I noticed she wasn't in her bedroom, she wasn't in the kitchen and just as I looked out into our unusually dark living room, I see her head pop up and look at me from behind the couch. She quickly ducked back down and gave out a little squeal, as if to say, 'I've been caught!' As I came around the couch there she was, caught red-handed with Mama's gum. She had managed to chew a few pieces and bite me in the process of fishing the rest out. We were both hysterical!
I know I'm not supposed to laugh but catching her being naughty and even more, when she knows she's being naughty was too funny!

Surprise Auntie Jan!!!

This last weekend we headed up to Oregon to celebrate Auntie Jan's 50th birthday! It was probably the quickest trip we've ever made to Oregon but we wouldn't have missed it for nothin'!

Waitin' to say..."SURPRISE!"
Roses are red, violets are blue, Jan Baker we surprised you!

Partayyy planners!
GGB collecting his prize from our first game of the night.
Birthday girl collaborating with her team.
Some serious competitors.

Best German Chocolate Cake ever. Yummm from Sweet Life.
I'll leave you with a little slideshow of my wonderful Aunt, that we played during her party.
It's a little lengthy, but I wanted to make sure it was archived.