must share!

Our car has been in the shop getting some repairs done, so Addelyn and I have been house-bound these last couple of days. I had to share some of these great ideas I found on Pinterest that have been keeping us occupied!

First we made these! Aren't they adorable?! Addie had a great time counting out three m&m's for each nest and they are just as delicious as they are adorable! Here's a link to the recipe for Coconut Macaroon Nutella Nests!
We've also been working on Easter activities! Addie loves, loves this and I feel so blessed she takes a sincere joy in academic activities. It was a free download from some amazing mamas at Over the Big Moon. My only recommendation would be to laminate, so you can reuse! (My two best purchases for my career as a teacher and working with Addie, have been my cutting board and laminator!)

our thoughtful girl

While we were busy packing the hospital bags, organizing the nursery and hanging up pictures, Addie discovered one of baby brother's new toys, his stuffed giraffe. I let her play with the giraffe for a little while, explaining that it was baby brother's but that he would share with her. After she started dragging him throughout the house and seemingly started forming an attachment to him, Kevin and I agreed we should put him away. 

She protested for a while and continued to whine for giraffe. Then I stopped and explained to her that baby brother didn't have very many animals and she had lots. I started naming them off. She stopped whining and left his room. A little later she came back in with her polar bear and sock monkey and placed them in his crib. 

This, as you can imagine, brought tears to my eyes and I gave her a big hug and asked if I could take pictures of her sharing. So these pictures are a little reenactment of a touching moment. Since then, I've been finding books, and other toys from her bedroom in his crib. So proud of our sweet girl!
Just have to remember to teach her not to put things in the crib when baby brother is in there! I also keep finding baby dolls covered up so well with blankies you can't see their faces. I'm working on that one too.

daddy's shoes

Kevin's mom sent us a fabulous box of love recently. In it was some of Kevin's baby items and pictures. I don't know if I could find the words to describe seeing baby pictures of someone you love so much! 

Amongst the baby items were a pair of Kevin's baby shoes! I had to find a way to do something with them and couldn't stand the thought of putting them away in a keepsake box, that collects dust out in the garage (a lot of dust with all of Kevin's woodworking). So here's my latest addition to baby boy's room. Thank you Jody from the bottom of my heart for sending such thoughtful and meaningful gifts!
Okay maybe I'm biased, but again, I think it looks so much sweeter in person. My camera just couldn't quite capture all the cuteness.

addie's big girl bed

Kevin and I had much deliberation on what to do for Addie's big girl bed. 
The little girl in me wanted something like this for her...
but the mama in me just kept thinking of broken arms and not being able to snuggle in bed with her and read books.
So...we decided on something more practical and this was the bed Kevin used as his model.
And here's Addelyn's very own big girl bed, at a fraction of the price and more importantly, made with love by her Daddy!

36 weeks

Here we are! Everything is looking good! At our last check-up Dr. Le said he's head down and weighing in at about 7 pounds. (Although I'm not sure the weight prediction is all that accurate.) I'm not going to lie and say I'm feeling great, I'm not. But I'm so excited to hold this little boy in my arms and I know without a doubt, every ache and pain is more than worth it!

luke andrew sitowski

This last weekend we got to meet our sweet new nephew and Addie's new baby cousin, Luke. We love him so much already! 
Here he is at about one week old!

out of the mouths of babes...

Addelyn's choice of clothing for our evening walk.
From Addie Girl...

"I barked." (I barfed. The stomach flu recently invaded our home.)

"You funny mama. You make my laugh mama!"

"Look how fast my are!"

As I was making her toast the other morning she was patting me on the 'bunkey' and said...
"You squishy Mama!"
Now I'm sure she got her adjectives mixed up and was looking for the antonym of "squishy."

Me: Addie, are you full?
Addie: Yeah, I full. I gotta baby in my tummy.

Recent encounters with my students...

Student: Why is your stomach so big?
Me: Because I ate a really big lunch.
His face was priceless!

Me: (After doing a math problem.) Wow! 123,000 is a big number! What would you like 123,000 of? (I expected to hear cookies, shoes, dolls...)
Student: I'd like 123,000...cans of refried beans!

too much fun

Another fun day at the Linnet's! 
When I came back to get her, this is how I found her and her buddy Skylar.

a wall

I've gotten a wall completed in the nursery and a few other things accomplished too! We're getting there! As you may know I have a little bunting obsession and just knew I had to incorporate it in his room some how. So when my mom was here, we made the bunting for his bedroom! Personally, I don't think my photography skills do it justice, it is much cuter in person. And the animal-alphabet cards...I've loved these ever since there was a twinkle in my eye! (They just weren't quite the look I wanted for Addelyn's nursery.)

Kevin has been working hard on Addie's big girl bed and I'm looking forward to posting pictures of his look-alike Pottery Barn Kids bed. Meanwhile, Addie and I have been busy organizing baby brother's room. She loves to come into his room with me and tinker with all of his toys and books, many of which were once hers. It's slowly but surely, coming together!