
We enjoyed Vacaville's Oktoberfest this last weekend! It's neat to see people so rooted in their heritage. Kevin and I agree that, although we have very strong cultural last names (Widmer and Sitowski), we know little about the cultures they came from. I guess that's what makes us American. Eatin' lunch at the German bakery right on the square.
For a matter of seconds, Kevin and I were talking and people watching. All of sudden we both looked at each other and realized the baby had toddled off. She is so fast!
Watchin' the Chicken Dance! (Okay I admit I participated a little too!)
Afterwards I connected with my Springtucky roots and stripped the baby down to play in the fountains!
As we were walking up to the fountains, the chubby little boy behind Addie, announced very loudly, "Hey guys, I'm in my underwear!"
All I've got to say is, you can take the girl out of Springtucky but you can't take Springtucky out of the girl! Yep, Addie's mom felt right at home.

Fall in Cali-forn-i-a

It's challenging walking out the door in your fall boots or cooking up a pot of homemade chili in 90 degree weather. But that's life as we know it in this last week of September. I keep thinking I am acclimated to California, but every fall I look for the beautiful foliage and cooler weather, only to find dry brown rolling hills and flip flops on my feet a bit longer. A bit longer...who am I kidding, until mid to late October, and even at that I still remember some sweaty Halloween's. I remain firm that spring in California is beautiful, but fall in Oregon is the best! I miss you Oregon.

Cabin Fever

After a full day of no fever and too much t.v. we decided to take advantage of our season passes to Discovery Kingdom. Little did we know that when we got home we'd find yet, another symptom, a rash. So on Monday morning we took her in and she was diagnosed with Fifth Disease or what is also known as "Slap Cheek," because it looked like someone slapped her cheeks. We learned that at the time the fever is gone the rash appears within 24 hours and she is no longer contagious. Phew! That might have added to the guilt for taking her to the theme park and potentially spreading it.Feeling a little better and excited to be on her first ride for the day. Now that Addie is walking she is able to go on quite a few rides.
Dada sneakin' a kiss on the carousel.I was pointing at the camels near by, but Addie loved the tortoises on this Safari ride.We ended our day with the elephants. I love that we can see everything from elephants to tigers, giraffes, whales, dolphins and more, but I am truly torn in supporting the way that these animals are kept. It breaks my heart to see them in such confined areas, which are much worse than the zoos or aquariums. I question buying another season pass. For now I think we've gotten our money's worth and we have enjoyed the rides!

Sick Baby

It seems we've had a lot of runny noses, diarrhea, etc., but these last couple of days our baby girl has been the sickest she has ever been. On top of a runny nose and congestion she has had her first fever averaging 102. She won't eat, barely drinks and wants to be held 100% of the time. Yesterday her fever finally broke and we were relieved! Our bodies are amazing and I found it comforting to be reminded that a fever is simply our body's way of burning off a virus.

Two on One

Today we had a great day watching Skylar! It was very busy but fun!I had to get a little creative not having two of everything. So...I laid down the back of the stroller and plopped Addie in the back, then we were off to the park!

Skylar loved climbing on this. He's so brave and coordinated.
This girl is getting pretty fast and thinks she's pretty funny, especially when Mama is chasing her.
After they both napped, it was time for Mac-and-Cheese!
We listened and played to some Swing Band music, a little Fiesta Mexicana, some Bluegrass, and finished with some Hawaiian music.
Skylar made a nice picture for his Mama, while Addie ate her crayons. That's my girl!
Then we tried some finger painting (vanilla pudding with food coloring).
Pretty much the same results. Hee! Hee!

She made a beautiful picture on her face and body though!

Labor Day Camping

We set off this weekend for our first camping trip with Addelyn. We camped right on the Mokelumne River in Eldorado National Forrest. We had an amazing campsite coupled with great company. Addie played hard in the dirt and was lolled to sleep at nap times with the rush of the river. We ate well, played in a swimming hole and sat around the campfire with friends who grew up in Tahoe. They had been camping at this 'secret' spot since high school and we're honored to be a part of their tradition.
After 5 minutes of our arrival. I think we are still scrubbing dirt off of her.
Playing with Thomas.
Gi'me some Goldfish!
Breakfast with Dada.
Swimming hole.

She loved Thomas' four wheeler.
Our tuckered out Bentley. He had five other big dogs to play with. By the end of the weekend he was a little brown dog.
Sittin' around the campfire in her big girl campin' chair.
My good friend Michelle, who has been by my side since we've moved to California! Time to pack up and head home.