christmas in olympia

This year we spent a little more time on the I-5 and headed up to Olympia, Washington to see Gramma Jody and Grandpa Bill!
Watching some VHS movies on a TV Grandpa Bill said he bought in the 80s. Now that's impressive!
Gramma Jody doing what she does best...making hot taco rice!

Getting out of the house a bit to see the neighbor's chickens.
Collecting eggs with Gramma Jody. 
I happened to notice this pretty tree blooming in the very cold Washington Winter. She deserved a picture I thought.
Two eggs for two kiddos. Thank you chickens!
That looks like a proud Gramma to me.
Lots of red heads! This is Bill's sweet granddaughter Courtney!

christmas in springfield

It was another great year of piling into Grammy and Auntie Jan's cozy, little condos in Springfield. I bet our kids will have lots of good stories and memories of our Springfield visits.

santa comes!

Can we go now Dad?!
Coming down the hall to see what Santa brought them!
 A choo-oo train!

Her "box with wheels" aka suitcase.

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christmas eve 2015

On Christmas Eve we attended a candlelit church service then came home to some new pjs, my family's traditional mac and cheese and gifts from each other. It was a simple and sweet night. 

One of the gifts she made for us at school. She even made the candle! 

liam's christmas program

It was a busy morning in our home as Addie got ready for PJ and Pancake Day and Liam got ready for his first Preschool Christmas Program. Here's a little dialogue that went on in our home...

LIAM: but I don't want to yook handsome. I want to wear sumpting else yike si-er.
ADDIE: it's okay Liam. I love you very, very much...even if you put snot on my bunny.

I didn't take too long for him to get over it as the barista at the coffee shop that morning happened to tell him how handsome he looked. He just beamed up at her. AND he gets a PJ and Pancake day too, in January. 

Telling Santa he wants a "choo-oo train."