daddy's day 2015

This year for Father's Day I bought Kevin tickets for the four of us to go to NASCAR. I was tempted to keep it a secret but thought it was probably a better to involve him in the planning, especially since his buddy John was coming too. So on Father's Day there wasn't much to give him except for some cards. Addie couldn't stand it and worked tirelessly on some "gifts" for her daddy. 

We had a great day celebrating him! Usually we're at Solano Lake camping and boating but we agreed that camping in 90+ degree weather probably wasn't going to be super enjoyable. So we had a relaxing weekend working on some projects and BBQ-ing. 

a loose tooth, freckles, wrist creases and a swirly cowlick

I know I have so much to catch up on the blog (over a year's worth) but these are fresh on my computer and I have a moment, so I'm posting something current until I can go back and fill it all in.

Here's to taking in all of the details...
Tooth number three almost gone!
She has the most perfect sprinkling of freckles!
Those chubby toddler wrist creases are melting away and are barely there! Wish I had taken this picture sooner. : (
He's had this sweet, swirly, cowlick since the day he was born and I'll die if it ever goes away! heart emoticon