Three Quarters of a Year

Our baby girl is growing, growing, growing. Her 9 month check-up brought her in the 98th percentile for weight and 82nd for height. She is developing such a strong personality and while we love learning about what makes her her, I can't help but mention the tiny bit of fear and anxiety that comes along with it. Are we doing this all right? There is such a strong desire to be the best parents we can be and I know that starts with each new day. Here is a list of lessons I've learned and hope to instill in our daughter.
  • Be good at planning for the future but master being present in the moment.
  • Humility and owning up to your poor decisions is one of the most admirable qualities a person can have.
  • You may not be the fastest, the smartest, or the prettiest, but you can always be the kindest.
  • Everything and anything isn't always possible and that's perfectly OKAY.
  • This one is an old one but I've had to learn it several times over..."Never say never."
  • Everything doesn't always need to be worn on your sleeve. Lighten up, don't over-analyze and laugh it off...or at least try. Dwelling on something never helps.
  • Loving and accepting others is much easier than holding grudges. But loving and accepting others is different from approving of what they may choose to do.
I'm sure there are many more that I haven't thought to mention and even more I have yet to learn. But the most important lesson of all, that I am confident we are instilling in her, is how much we love her.

One Fine Weekend in California

Our weekend started off with a visit from my very good friend, Meghan and her mom. We had a great time and I wish we would have taken some pictures to capture the moment. I'll just have to make up for it next time.

Saturday morning Kevin said we were going to a 'celebration.' I thought this might mean a trip to Sears to celebrate the purchase of a new tool, but it was a trip to downtown Vacaville for a Medieval Festival! Let's just say we forgot our costumes. Afterward, we walked to a park and played. I forgot how nice it was to swing!

On Sunday, I suggested the beach. So we found a great spot at Stinson Beach which is an adorable little beach community in Marin County. We stopped for sandwiches and had a little picnic, then played with Addie in the sand and the water. We had a great time although Miss Persnickety wasn't too sure about the experience.
My two loves.
I could do this all day!
Addelyn didn't want to put her feet in the sand or the water.
Someday she'll learn the joys of puttin' your "toes in the water, toes in the sand."Could I be any more blessed?!

One Fine Week in Oregon

Addelyn Ann and I took a quick flight to Eugene for a week. Here are a couple of pictures highlighting some sunny times in a not-so-sunny place. I don't miss the weather one bit, but I most definitely miss our friends and family. Luncheon with some old friends from high school. We are all mommas now!
Family.What are those babies thinkin'?My nephew Marek.Love this sweet boy.Cousins at Wildlife Safari.Sweet Lil' LambsWow, that lamb has some chubby cheeks.Addie loved spending time with Grandpa, T, Rachelle, and Austin.Gettin' some lovin' from my sweet Auntie Jan.Playing with Dominic...and baby Lucy.
Oh Addie.
Look Dadda! I got some new teef while I was in Oregon!