
We enjoyed Vacaville's Oktoberfest this last weekend! It's neat to see people so rooted in their heritage. Kevin and I agree that, although we have very strong cultural last names (Widmer and Sitowski), we know little about the cultures they came from. I guess that's what makes us American. Eatin' lunch at the German bakery right on the square.
For a matter of seconds, Kevin and I were talking and people watching. All of sudden we both looked at each other and realized the baby had toddled off. She is so fast!
Watchin' the Chicken Dance! (Okay I admit I participated a little too!)
Afterwards I connected with my Springtucky roots and stripped the baby down to play in the fountains!
As we were walking up to the fountains, the chubby little boy behind Addie, announced very loudly, "Hey guys, I'm in my underwear!"
All I've got to say is, you can take the girl out of Springtucky but you can't take Springtucky out of the girl! Yep, Addie's mom felt right at home.

1 comment:

The Linnets said...

Love it!