Two on One

Today we had a great day watching Skylar! It was very busy but fun!I had to get a little creative not having two of everything. So...I laid down the back of the stroller and plopped Addie in the back, then we were off to the park!

Skylar loved climbing on this. He's so brave and coordinated.
This girl is getting pretty fast and thinks she's pretty funny, especially when Mama is chasing her.
After they both napped, it was time for Mac-and-Cheese!
We listened and played to some Swing Band music, a little Fiesta Mexicana, some Bluegrass, and finished with some Hawaiian music.
Skylar made a nice picture for his Mama, while Addie ate her crayons. That's my girl!
Then we tried some finger painting (vanilla pudding with food coloring).
Pretty much the same results. Hee! Hee!

She made a beautiful picture on her face and body though!


Anonymous said...

I love your pudding idea and may be stealing that one! What a wonderfully creative mommy you are! :) I love your blog...keep writing! And what a precious little girl you have! I love looking at all of your pictures!

Meg said...

YOU, my dear, were made for motherhood.