out of the mouths of babes...

Addelyn's choice of clothing for our evening walk.
From Addie Girl...

"I barked." (I barfed. The stomach flu recently invaded our home.)

"You funny mama. You make my laugh mama!"

"Look how fast my are!"

As I was making her toast the other morning she was patting me on the 'bunkey' and said...
"You squishy Mama!"
Now I'm sure she got her adjectives mixed up and was looking for the antonym of "squishy."

Me: Addie, are you full?
Addie: Yeah, I full. I gotta baby in my tummy.

Recent encounters with my students...

Student: Why is your stomach so big?
Me: Because I ate a really big lunch.
His face was priceless!

Me: (After doing a math problem.) Wow! 123,000 is a big number! What would you like 123,000 of? (I expected to hear cookies, shoes, dolls...)
Student: I'd like 123,000...cans of refried beans!


auntie pam said...

So funny...and my favorite..."your chin is cracked Auntie!". Not to be confused with a wrinkle crease. Haha! You funny Addie. Love you

Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

That just made me laugh out loud. I love it!