Naughty and She Knows It

Tonight Kevin attended his monthly fishing meeting, so it was just Addie and I. On any given night I give her a bath and she waits with me, as the tub fills up. But tonight, I turned around and she was gone. So I called for her and waited a bit. Nothing. Then I started looking for her. As I left the master bedroom and went down the hall, I noticed she wasn't in her bedroom, she wasn't in the kitchen and just as I looked out into our unusually dark living room, I see her head pop up and look at me from behind the couch. She quickly ducked back down and gave out a little squeal, as if to say, 'I've been caught!' As I came around the couch there she was, caught red-handed with Mama's gum. She had managed to chew a few pieces and bite me in the process of fishing the rest out. We were both hysterical!
I know I'm not supposed to laugh but catching her being naughty and even more, when she knows she's being naughty was too funny!

1 comment:

The Linnets said...

Loove this story! It so made me giggle. It's so hard not to laugh when they're just so darn cute!