More of our baby girl!

She's already changing so much and we are trying to soak up every minute of it. Addelyn smiles, hums when she's feeding and makes little squeaks when she's completely content (Daddy thinks they sound like bird chirps) and we always know when Addie has a poopy diaper. Who knew a baby's tiny bottom could be so loud?!?

We just missed a big smile on this one.
Proud Papa!
Our little chicks first bath with Mommy.
Bentley gently sniffed her then laid down right beside her. We think they'll have lots of fun together.
Our little red head! So far she's taking after mommy, I'm going to have to get my strawberry blond back!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Love the pics Liss. Can't wait to see her again and hold her. She is so cute and alert. Keep taking pics...they change so much in a short time!