our little thanksgiving

We started our day off with our first 5k, walking of course. Most people went to the big Solano Turkey Trot, so it was kind of nice to have our first run, I mean walk, be small and non-intimidating. We started at a park, and went through a beautiful historical housing district, then down to the Christmas tree in downtown Vacaville and back. Addie ran and walked most of the way, but on the last leg I put Liam in the Ergo and Addie rode in the stroller. It was a gorgeous day and best of all we helped contribute to the Lymphoma Leukemia Society.
When we got home we prepared our second turkey dinner for the year! Kevin perfected the deep-fried turkey and although I couldn't quite replicate my mom's awesome dressing, I did pretty well on some ginger-cashew green beans and a pumpkin cheesecake!
Here was baby boy's turkey dinner in a jar...
Addie and I had been collecting "beautiful" leaves on our walks. She was so passionate about her leaves, so we used them for a turkey day craft!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Love, The Widmers

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Such an awesome turkey Addie. What a great way to start the day, a 5k. Love you guys. Auntie P