valentines day 2014

Another good year of celebrating love in the Widmer home...
Addie and Liam woke up to a little treat from us and a card from Auntie Pam. It came a little early but I made them wait until Valentine's Day to open. The suspense was killing Addie! I think she was most excited about this! Then later that day we found more Valentine's from Gramma Jody and Grandpa Bill!

Chocolate for breakfast on Valentine's Day?! Why not!
Here's Addie's 2014 Valentine's for her class.
In the jars we put Annie's Bunny Grahams, Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips and mini marshmallows for her teachers. For her friends I semi-designed and printed out a "You're UH-maze-ing!" Valentine and Addie wrote her name. Then we stuck a pencil through them and added some fruit snacks!
 And Kevin and I got to go out on a date twice in the month of February! That's pretty good for us! Life is good!

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