Top 10 Reasons I Know My Life Has Changed

10. I am more excited to get a Parent magazine in the mail than a Self magazine.
9. I no longer have to worry about weight because I am either sharing my plate, don't have time to finish my plate, or I'm chasing two tiny legs around, that are faster than I'd ever imagined two tiny legs to be.
8. I've touched, smelled and yes, worn more poop than I'd like to admit. (And why is it, that after scrubbing my hands several times the poop smell still lingers?)
7. Instead of dreaming of a beautiful master bedroom with plush pillows and a crackling fireplace, I drool over beautiful playrooms from the Pottery Barn Kids catalog.
6. Watching my mini-me trick-or-treat is much more fun than any childhood memory I have.
5. I want to scream at every person who drives by our house more than 2 miles over the speed limit.
4. Going to places that once took 15 minutes, now takes 30 minutes. And getting out the door with everything packed makes me wanna give somebody a 'good game' pat.
3. Some nights a glass of red wine paired with some goldfish is the perfect after-school-snack (a.k.a. happy hour).
2. I now have over a dozen children's books memorized and I dream with visions of bears and dinosaurs dancing and singing in my head.

And the #1 reason I know my life has changed is seeing my husband, Kevin Widmer, dancing to Faith Hill's Sunday night NFL song. For those of you who know us, you know it is a rare occasion to see my husband on a dance floor. Over the years I've learned no amount of alcohol or even a good beat will do the trick. However, on this night I almost caught some footage of Kevin doing the "football dance." He's quick a cat. I'll keep trying. Until now here is the remnants of the "football dance" with our daughter, who has caught on to her daddy's enthusiasm for football.

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