And Cue the Terrible Two's

Addelyn Ann,

You are now 21 months and pretty darn close to 24 months. I love you so much but I am tired. Most days we have at least two meltdowns. You kick and turn over just about every time we're in the middle of changing your poopy diaper. And it seems no amount of distraction can get you in your carseat or shopping cart peacefully, when you've decided you don't want to be there. You tell me what you want for a 'nack' and after I get it for you, you cry 'no goldfish' (or whatever it was you wanted in the first place). Next you throw yourself on the floor in a dramatic mess. We've made a rule to hold hands when we are in parking lots or Mama holds you, yet you don't seem to like either of those choices. And recently, you almost got us kicked out of our hotel room because you refused to go to sleep.

I know we are going to look back on this post and giggle, but until then can you help your Mama out?! My job is to keep you safe, and I promise it's all for your own good. I have yet to forget a quote from a book I received from Auntie Pam my first Mother's reads, "Lord, help me to be a mother...who loves to say yes, but who loves enough to say no."

Well bug, I love you more than enough!
Your Mama


Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

You too, huh? : )

Leeanne said...

Seriously, I think it started at the obnoxious one and a halfs and have kinda gone down from there....

Alissa Widmer said...

Hmmm...I'm sensing a trend. Thanks girls, it's so reassuring to know I'm not the only one!