30 weeks

Three quarters of the way there! In about two months he will be here! Since the holidays, time is just flying by! We are getting closer on a name, but might wait until he is here to make the final decision. Currently the front runners are Liam and Hudson. Kevin handed me a name book he had secretly purchased and had been highlighting. A lot of the names we both liked, but they just didn't flow well with James Widmer. The one that stuck for both of us was Liam. So we'll see if there are any new revelations in the next couple of months.

As far as the baby goes, my last appointment went well and Dr. Le estimated he was in the 50th percentile for size and said he had great muscle tone. Which I get to feel quite often!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Getting so excited to see Baby Boy! You look good sweet mama!