camping for four

This Labor Day weekend we headed up to our friends' annual camping spot on the Mokelumne River. We had such a good time! Addie and Bentley played hard with the other kids and dogs. Liam swang under the trees and smiled at anyone that would look at him. Overall it was a success! Until...we packed up and headed back up the mountain and our car broke down. Fortunately our friends were close behind us. We barely had cell service but were able to get our car towed and a ride home with friends. Phew! There was only about $200 in repairs and if our car was ever going to break down it couldn't have gone any smoother. We can't thank our friends enough who so graciously rescued us!
Baby boy's first camping trip!

Our friends, the McMillen's.

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

More good pictures of everyone! I'm glad you guys had fun and more glad that your friends could help with the car problem! Love you lots!