first day of preschool

Our baby girl was off to preschool this morning! What a surreal experience this was, to be a teacher and now on the other side dropping my own kid off! The tears flowed as I watched my self-assured little girl walk into her classroom and start on a craft. I'm looking forward to hearing all about friends, dress-up, snack-time, cubbies, songs, and more! Love you with all I've got Addie Ann!

Can hardly believe this day has come!
Yes, it's kind of a big deal around here!
I hope to make The Kissing Hand a tradition. Such a sweet story to send her off on her first day!
Growing up my parents would always take us out for breakfast on the first day of school. I decided to modify that a little and thought I'd decorate and make a special breakfast for her. When I listed off a couple of breakfasts I could make her she decided on blueberry pancakes. The first thing she said to me when I set this down in front of her was, "I don't like that." Lovely.
Our big girl walking into her classroom. Can't believe she looked back!
She dove right in on her first craft!
We took a few more pictures and then said goodbye! Not a tear was her.
I went back a little early (okay I was the first one there) to spy. Hey, the teachers said it was okay!
This picture was taken through the window. They are singing songs and saying goodbye. If you look closely you can find our daughter facing the opposite way of all the other children. Ha! Ha! That's our girl...marching to the beat of her own drum.
At the end of the day. Sadly, she had woken up with a runny nose which turned into a cold, as you can see in her eyes here. She fell asleep in the car on the way home and then slept for another two hours. Needless to say we didn't return to preschool on Thursday.

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Such precious moments caught! Addie looks like such a big girl going to pre-school. Hope she is better and is ready to go back this week. Love you Addie. I like the framed sayings that you had on her little table. Good things for a new student to to remember.