addie's creations

Our little girl is always up to something when it comes to arts and crafts. I love to see her creative side come out and wanted to share a few of her latest creations...
Addie made me this elaborate book with pictures on every page but my two favorite pictures were of me holding my babies. I'm holding Addie on the left and Liam on the right. Love their hair! 
And here is what she called a "map" but I think it was actually directions to an elaborate decoration she had envisioned in her mind. She gathered sticks, leaves, ribbon, and more to carry out the directions she had drawn on her "map."

This proudly hung in the doorway of her room (until I got tired of  smacking my head on the pinecone). 
Then I went to put little brother down for a nap the other day and found this in his crib. A picture she had drawn of her and her brother. Love.

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