ringing in the new year!

2013 was brought in with lots of laughter and joy! Here's the evidence...
We had a great dinner at Mazzi's! (We were actually at the very same table where we shared with our family that we were having a boy!)
My sweet babies.
We got a good chuckle out of this picture!
So much so that Addie wanted one too!
We did a little Facetiming with Brent, Leeanne and the boys! 

Later that night we taught Addie how to play a quarters and dice game, Left Center Right. She loved an caught right on!
She was thrilled when we'd cheer for her!
And she actually won one of the games!
Later that night she stayed up with us until the ball dropped. We'll leave out some other details of the night! Hee! Hee! Happy 2013!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Such great pics and memories! Love the two of the kids getting kissed by Grammy and Auntie Jan!