more christmas in oregon!

Since we didn't go to Oregon for Thanksgiving this year, we decided to head up after Christmas. We stayed for about a week and enjoyed seeing lots of family and friends! I'm not sure where to begin...
When we got into town we decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and let the kids open all of their presents! It was crazy in mom's tiny condo and all of those presents!
This was one of Addie's gifts from Uncle Brent, Aunt Leeanne, Marek, and Luke. 
How adorable!? Isn't my sister-in-law creative?! Addie also got another great gift from my cousin's wife, Linsey. It was pillow cases sewn together, then you insert the pillows and it's a little mat. We didn't want to open it while we were there, so that we could keep the pillows squished down to fit it in the car on the way back home. But once we got it home and put it together, Addie loved it!

Reunited with her buddy! This was completely their idea to hold hands. So sweet. 
We were so grateful to have Kyle and Linsey in Oregon this year! Kyle has been deployed, so we haven't seen them for two years! 
Our two brown-eyed girls!
Fun at the park with Grammy!
A little fun with Auntie Pam and Grammy at Los Dos Amigos!
Auntie Pam, Kyle, and his mama, Auntie Jan.
Mom and I snuck out for some time at a wine bar and then for pedicures (and more wine!) So much fun! 
Grandpa with Liam!
Photo session with T and Rachelle!
There is four generations in this picture! 
Our friend Mel was getting some snugglin' time in with Liam. 
We also got to see our friends, the Leahy's! Eliana and Addie rode the carousel that all us parents rode on many times as kids. Kind of neat to think about. 

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