another year at santa's secret adventure

This is our second year attending Santa's Secret Adventure. We met up with the Hulbert's this year and had a great time! Addie was full of smiles and giggles and enjoyed being with her friends at this sweet little celebration of Christmas. Kevin took lots of video and it is so fun to hear the girls' dialogue. Enjoy!
I know it's kind of hard to hear Addie's conversation with Santa, but she told him she wants a lot of bikes, a lot of toys, and a lot of books. She also told Santa Liam wanted a dog, which let into talking about Bentley living with Auntie Pam (I think she threw in an Aunt Jan too, just to cover her bases.) So sad and so sweet. Santa was very fond of their red hair and I have a feeling Santa might of had some red before all of his white.
Liam was fascinated with Santa's beard and we were finally able to get him to look our way so we could get a picture. No tears though!
Pure joy!

Getting ready to ride a horse!

Thanks for the fun night Hulberts!

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