a day to celebrate love!

What a sweet little Valentine's Day we had! Here's what my little loves woke up to...

 After enjoying her mailbox of gifts, brother woke up and Addie brought him his Valentine gifts. 

I didn't whip out heart shaped pancakes, waffles or cinnamon roles this year. Nope. I knew better! So it was heart shaped toast, strawberries and yogurt! 

After breakfast she got ready and took all of her Valentine's to school for a Valentine's party!
She has 31 other kids in her class and I kind of figured I would at least write her name on the inside of her Valentines for her. But she wanted to write her name on the inside and outside all by herself! Sometimes even including a heart! So Addie wrote her name over 62 times!
After I picked her up from school, we grabbed a little lunch, played at the park and came home to check the mail. What a great surprise! Addie and Liam had all sorts of Valentines from friends and family waiting in our mailbox!
When Liam went down for his afternoon nap, Addie and I made our family's traditional shortbread cookies!
That night I fixed a special dinner and when the kids went to bed, Kevin and I had dessert and exchanged cards and gifts. Much love in our home on February 14th, 2013. 

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

I'm glad to see Addie will follow the heart cookies tradition and that she put her own sprinkles spin on it! The sprinkles looked awesome.