poor baby

Our baby boy has officially had his second broken bone and he's not even two. Liam broke his left wrist this last week. (The first was his clavicle during birth.)

What happened? He was playing on the couch and fell off, catching himself with his left arm. Kevin was right there folding clothes and is such a careful dad. He usually takes the pillows off the couch and lays them on the floor when Liam uses the couch for a jungle gym. Liam's gotten very good at maneuvering around on the couch and knows to put his feet down first to get off but on this day the cards fell differently.

How did we know it was broken? We didn't. Liam had no swelling, used his left hand/arm as usual and was his normal happy self, except when he would fall and stick his arms out to catch himself. He would cry so hard. It was terrible. We started carrying him as much as possible and watching his every move trying to break his falls and when it didn't get any better I took him in.
The pediatrician sent me straight over to radiology and when we went back over to get the results from her she said, "I'm sorry." I thought, what for? And then she said, "it's broken." As my smiley little boy sat in my lap the tears started flowing. I felt so awful that I had not figured it out sooner. She and the orthopedic doctor both told me repeatedly this happens all the time and there are kids who come walking in with broken legs. I was told that babies' bones are different than adults and don't snap but get smooshed and bent when they break.

Will it affect his growth plate? No. The orthopedic doctor said Liam will heal very easily and he will not be affected later in life. 

The cast. They had to put a full arm cast on him because a partial cast comes right off little baby arms. He will have to be in a hard cast for four weeks.

How's he adjusting? So far he is such a trooper and is adjusting very well. For example, on his first night, he was frustrated trying to learn how to pick up his sippy cup, when I went to help him, he got even more frustrated and was determined to learn on his own. Now on day 3 of having the cast, he can pick up his cup without any hesitation.
He is also enjoying using it as a hammer and banging it on tables, walls, books...such a boy!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

That's our Liam with the beautiful smile, no matter the trouble! May he heal quickly!