week two ~ citizenship

Citizenship. Hmmm...how do I teach such a big word to my not quite 4 year old. Well...here was my attempt...

Read AloudsFor our read alouds we used many of the titles from last week's theme, Rules and Consequences, such as, What If Everybody Did That? and The Berenstein Bears and The Golden Rule. Then I added this very concise and simple book that I found at Lakeshore Learning.
 Thematic Poem: Here is a link to download your own copy! Be sure to have your kiddo highlight all of the sight words they already know, then use it as a guide to teach the ones they don't know. Then read it over and over and over again!
Word/Phonic Hands On Activity: Pocket Chart Sort: I snagged this pocket chart at Target for a $1 a couple of years ago and have seen them pop up around the start of school each year, so be looking for them and grab one if you see it. It's a great deal and pocket charts can host many activities! 

This particular activity was a word sort that I downloaded from teacherspayteachers.com. Here is the exact link and it was only a buck! Addie worked on sorting her short a families. She read the word on the eraser and then put it under the matching chalkboard. Next she wrote down the words on a coordinated sheet. I cut it down a bit and only had her do about three words per chalkboard. 

My intentions are to spend two weeks on each of the short vowels. So next week we'll be working on short e. Here are some other great pocket chart activities you can download for each of the short vowels. 
short e     short i     short o      short u

Fieldtrip Idea: We didn't make it, but if time were on my side I would've taken the kids to BOPA, which stands for Batteries, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze. It is a collection facility located at 2901 Industrial Court in Fairfield. We have quite a collection of batteries from all of the kids' toys and some auto oil. I thought it would be important to teach Addie that being a good citizen means we must recycle these items properly and then discuss the consequences of what would happen if everyone threw them in the garbage. We'll have to make a trip there sooner than later, so we can remain in good citizen status!

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