dancin' with her teddy bear!

Addie did a great job at her recitals! She was never scared and didn't even show signs of being nervous. She got on right stage with her friends and her teddy bear (the song was Dancing with Your Teddy Bear) and did her thing! We are so proud of you Addelyn Ann!
As I wrote on Facebook and Instagram, there is just something crazy about putting makeup on your baby girl for the first time and then standing back to look at her. 

Allie and Addie! Allison did a great job of being the leader for Addie and her little sister Paige!
Paige and Addie are checking out their fluffy sparkly skirts!
All lined up ready to go on stage next!
Receiving flowers from her biggest fans, which included Grammy!!!
She adored getting flowers and wouldn't put them down. When we got home she had to have them all in her room! She even got some from her friends Allie and Paige and their grandparents! She felt sooo special!

"The stars of the show!"
We weren't aloud to video tape but I took some video at dress rehearsal. It's terrible quality but at least you can get an idea. She's the fourth one from the left!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Lookin' good Addie Girl! I know you had fun and it was special having Grammy there to see you.