a year and a half

Liam is 18 months now and we get to see more and more of his personality each day. He's such a sweet, laid back guy, with a good sense of humor. At his check up he weighed 29 pounds putting him in the 95th percentile and he measured exactly 3 feet putting him in the 100th percentile. Overall, he is healthy and we are grateful. We love him so very much! 

Here are some things about our baby boy that make him, him.
  • He continues to be attracted to all things with wheels: tractors, trucks, construction equipment, etc.
  • And he has found a new love for shoes! He puts on any shoes he can find, including pink and purple, sparkly ones.
  • Liam's crazy about the great outdoors and gets very upset when the sliding glass door gets closed. His favorite things to do in our backyard are eating tomatoes from the garden, playing in the sandbox, and hauling rocks in his dump truck.
  • He's gotten a little picky with eating lately but enjoys strawberries, tomatoes, goldfish, fruit snacks, hot dogs, mac and cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • I still can find him in his room just looking though books and his favorites remain the Little Blue Truck books or any books about trains, planes and automobiles.
  • Liam loves to dance and finds rhythm in almost anything, like the bumps we go over in the grocery cart or the sound of the beaters mixing the cooking dough. 
  • Although he has met every milestone, especially the fine and gross motor skills, speech has not been his strong suite. I'll post more about this later. 
  • Last, he loves his sister. He shows great concern when she's upset, joins her in timeouts, gives her morning hugs and is always trying to join her for a playdate in her room.

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

I love you Liam! It is so fun to watch you grow and see your personality more.