seven years and our first trip away

Kevin presented an opportunity to me back in the summer, to go spend our anniversary weekend in Chicago just before his tradeshow. At first, I was excited and thought it would be a great idea but then reality started setting in. Who would watch the kids and how would I be able to tell them all of things I know to do to take care of my babies? What if Liam can't understand and misses us so much that he cries all weekend? What if they got into a car accident with the kids? What if there was an earthquake? What if our plane crashed with both of us on it? Yes, those were actually some of my thoughts. I know we have left Addie for a long weekend before but for some reason leaving two seemed so much more unbearable. 

So finally after several nights of waking up in a panic, I told Kevin I just couldn't do it. Those of you who know Kevin, know he's pretty laid back about most things but this one he stood his ground on and really made a stand about taking this opportunity as a couple. So I continued to give it more thought and after a good conversation with my Aunt Pam, who pointed out to me that I was making this decision based on fear, I pressed on with making plans, secretly hoping something wouldn't work out.

But it did. Absolutely everything fell into place. From my Dad and Terri having a free schedule to come watch the kids to a free plane ticket Kevin had received from a recent layover. It was like the universe was telling me to go and although I missed my kids terribly, I'm so glad we did it. Kevin and I had an amazing time and it was so nice to just be us. I know in the end, this time away was good for our kids too. I read a quote recently that said, "Don't put marriage on the backburner once babies come. Once you're parents, your marriage matters more, not less, because now other people are counting on you."'s the pics of us not only having a great time but our kids too, thanks to my Dad and Terri.
This was our first night in Chicago. We stayed at this historic hotel, had a  rooftop dinner and got to hear some awesome live music!
The next day we set out to find some Chicago-style pizza!
Then we took a stroll through Millennium Park, where Cloud Gate is located, which is that huge bean shaped sculpture behind me and then onto Navy Pier.
After a muggy day, that evening it poured. We literally got rained in at a restaurant and caught up on some college football. When the rain cleared up we headed to probably one of the fanciest restaurants I've ever been to, RPM. We miraculously got a table and the food was devine!
Sunday morning was a gorgeous crisp fall day and people were gathering at all of the beautiful chruches in the city! We also had some delicious doughnuts and for lunch some Chicago-style hot dogs!
And we also got to see Chicago from the 94th floor of the John Hancock building. It was amazing! So flat. No mountains, which is much different than what we're used to.
On our last night, we got tickets to the comedy club Second City, where big names from SNL have come from. We were not disappointed and the comedians were awesome! 
Back at home the kids were well loved and taken care of by Grandpa and T. Addie got taken to preschool, then soccer practice on Friday. And they also stopped at the park to play and hit up the ice cream truck!
Each night I had little presents for them with notes telling them how much we loved and missed them. 
Here they are for a little lunch date at Red Robin!
And when I turned the corner into Lawler Ranch, this is what I got to see waiting for me!
Needless to say, I was incredibly happy to see my babies!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Glad love lead the way!