B is for...

Today Addie learned all about the letter B! I made her a bagel, berry, banana breakfast, we read books, practiced colors by matching bees to the their flowers and when Kevin got home we had dinner on the boat! It just so happened that the tank top she wore reads "Beach Babe." (And the good old Berenstains' B Book was perfect too. Thanks again Gramma Jody!) Love that Bentley got in on the action also. See him showing his ball?! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

I love this sooo much! You are an amazing mommy and teacher Alissa. So creative!

Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

P.S. my parents' email is tim.fran.ketcham@sbcglobal.net I think my mom would love an 'invite' to view your blog ; )

pam baker said...

Auntie is glad to see Bentley with his Ball cooperating on B day. I am getting so excited to be there next week for the birthday celebration. Can't wait!