What's she saying now?

Kevin asked me the other day if I had updated the blog on Addie's latest sayings and I realized I really hadn't. Her words just keep changing and morphing into REAL words or phrases. It's funny how I still want to call things after her cute coined terms such as "bubba" for "flower," although she's been saying flower now for months. I have adored her unique and individual progression and I cherish these moments as her Mama.

Here's a few of her latest...

"Is this?" has turned into "What's this Mama?"
"A-D-D-E-L-Y-N spells Addelyn!"
"Bad dog Bentley! Kennel!" (Ha! Ha! And Bentley actually goes running off to his kennel and then she shuts his door behind him.)
"Hold you Daddy."
"Read it Mama."

And our favorite...
Addie: "How are you Mama/Daddy?"
Us: "I'm good. How are you baby?"
Addie: "Good. More Pizza."

The first night she said this we were eating pizza. My original reply was "I'm good, I'm eating more pizza." Now, she's stuck on the pizza response. Too funny!

It seems as though, just when we think to pull out the camera, she shies away or we aren't able to capture the originality, but here's what we've got.


pam baker said...

How are you baby? Such a sweet voice! Auntie Pam love-a-love-a you,

Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

Awww! Addie, you're such a smartie pants! One of my favorite details of this video is the large bottle of steak sauce sittin' in her high chair! 'Atta Girl!