Baby Boy We Can't Wait To Meet You

I'm 28 weeks now and we decided to get another peek at this baby boy before he makes his appearance, so we had a 3D ultasound this weekend! They didn't turn out as clear as Addie's did (click here to see hers), and we think this was due to the placement of my placenta. The probe had to go through many layers to get a view of baby boy.

Still we got to view his chubby cheeks and his feet that were up crossed by his head the entire time! He was (and still is I think) transverse, meaning side to side in my tummy, which is fine for now. He still has a couple of months to start heading down!

Anyways, too fun! I could look at these pictures forever! (The last one is of his flexed feet.)


auntie pam said...

Oh my....Baby Boy Widmer! We are all getting so exited to meet you Dear One. Love you so much already. Auntie Pam

kimsitski said...

awwwww! How precious! Grammy can definitely see a resemblance to your sissy and I'm so excited for the day that I get to hold you & give you tons of hugs & kisses! Wish I could have been at this ultrasound appointment too! Yes, you do have a lot of family & friends that can hardly wait to meet you.

Your Grammy loves you, sweet baby boy!

Jen said...

So exciting Liss. I can't believe how much Addie looks like she did in the U/S...Super exciting. We are anxious to meet your new little man!! So excited for you guys!!