
We have a little park with a man-made pond, pretty willow trees and waterfalls, down the street from our home. The waterfalls haven't been working up until about the last couple of months, so the water in the pond was always really low if not existent at all. Now we see fish and hear the frogs croaking away on our evening walks, which got me thinking...there must be tadpoles in the water! So one night we took a net down there and collected ourselves four tadpoles and one tiny fish! 
Had to catch a picture of baby brother snuggled in on our walk.
The first couple of nights Addie asked if they could sleep in her room and wanted to give them goodnight kisses.
The tadpoles are already growing legs and we've been telling her that we'll set them free once they become frogs!

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

Tadpoles! So cool! And how great that Addie gets to see them grow and change into frogs! Good job mama and daddy! Very cute picture through the water and of her smiling. Love Auntie.