A Buck Fifty

Time for our 18 month report. The stats are in and this little girl is in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. She weighs 27 pounds and 13 ounces and is 33 1/4 inches. For a number of reasons, she has definitely thinned out. In the past she has always been wider than she is tall, and I can't believe how much older this makes her look. I'm going to miss those rolly polly legs and arms.
I also thought I'd take a moment and list her latest milestones...
  • Her walk has turned into a run and she can now go up stairs by herself. We let her do it all the time. How's she ever gonna learn if she doesn't practice?
  • She is starting to string phases together, such as "Hi-yo (hello) Mama mole." Much love for my glamorous Cindy Crawford mole.
  • She climbs onto chairs, tables, you name it. We encourage her to climb as high as she can and reach for the stars.
  • She has taught me that she really does still like oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, just not when I'm feeding her. She now prefers to use a spoon to feed herself. Sometimes that means grabbing the food with her fingers to place it on the spoon and then attempting to place it in her mouth. Maybe one explanation for the thinning out.
  • She loves to express herself through books and drawing. We feel a child should be free to express themselves all over our walls and we look forward to having a "colorful" home.
  • When we get her out of her crib each morning or from naps, we ask her to leave her paci in the crib. She spits it out and doesn't think twice about it. We think we'll try to break her of sleeping with the paci when she's about four or five. We want her to feel secure.
  • Last we have bought and introduced her to her first potty chair! She is almost ready to go diaperless and we're hoping no more diapers by the end of this month!
All kidding aside, as always we love this little bug. There is lots of laughter in our home as we watch her grow and learn and we are thoroughly enjoying her growing abilities to communicate to us. We are so proud of her and can't seem to get enough hugs and kisses from her.

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