Do you speak Addelynese?

I have always envied that mommy-child (or daddy-child) secret language. You know when a friend's toddler is trying to tell you something and all you hear is gibberish, until the mom (or dad) translates for you. Well, I am proud to say that Addie and I's secret language is blooming. Although she says quite a few words very clearly such as, pizza, yellow, happy, bear, bus, and many more, we have a little list of, what I like to call, Addelynese words. Here's a little vocab lesson...

wa-wa = water
nummy, nummy, nummy (repeat rapidly) = I want some or I'm hungry.
beet beet = blanket
iBaba = iPod
gum = phone
bubu = flower
ch*eese = cheese
geesh* (see explanation below) = fish
k*itty = kitty
gogo = flamingo
bee-it, bee-it (in a croaky voice) = frog

Many of the animals, often have to be interpreted, by her interpretation of the sound they make. For example, this morning she started saying "roar" out of nowhere, alerting me that there was a tiger on the wall at the doctor's office. And if I go too fast on a page that she knows the animal sound, she will often turn the page back to point and make the sound of that animal before we can continue on with our story.

*And as far as the asterisk goes... she's developed a sound that is quite like the gargling sound made in the German language. So when she says words like cheese, kitty, or fish, she sounds like she's speaking German. So cute!


Dannika said...

It's so fun to look back on this list when they're older and remember them littler. It's also fun to compare to a younger sibling to see where the other one was at during the same stage. Love her words :)

Alissa Widmer said...

I look forward to that someday Dannika. I'm so flattered you follow my blog. I've seen that you have a blog too. I'd love to follow yours, so if you want let me know how to navigate through the security settings and I'll be sure not to add you to my Blog List either. : )