Things I Don't Want to Forget

Her affection...
Addie says "Happy Birthday Mama" as if it were another way of saying "I love you."
I get to hear "I love you soooo happy." A combination of "I love you so much" and "You make me so happy."
And I never want to forget her completely organic "I love you's" and random hugs and kisses on whatever body part she can reach.
Last, I love when she "gets the grits" as our family calls it, and just can't get a enough snuggles in. heart is melting just writing this.

Her mixed up consonants...
good job! = dood job!
otter = water
yellow = lellow
ice or rice = mice
xylophone = telephone
twinkle, twinkle = krinkle, krinkle

Here's a little sample of "Krinkle, Krinkle Little Star." Usually she belts this one out and sometimes her little voice cracks as she gets really loud. She saved that version for off-camera though.

A one-way conversation with her daddy...
Addie: "Where Daddy is?"
Kevin: pops his head up from behind the couch
Addie: "Dare ya are! Daddy so cute! What doing Daddy?"

Baby makes us laugh...
"Baby steam roll grass!"
"Baby on da loose!"
We are in a horrible habit of referring to her as "the baby." (Mainly Kevin) So bad in fact, Addie refers to herself as baby too..."baby do it," "baby have some?" What have we done?!?

Posing with a lip gloss mustache. Love that face!


pam baker said...

Because you've done such an awesome job on your blog, you will always have great reminders of the sweetness of Addie's development, milestones and day to day life! What a gift to her too! I think somewhere inside we all wish we knew more about our earliest days and how we got from there to here! Thanks again for sharing this with us.
Auntie Pam

Alissa Widmer said...

Thank you Auntie for being such a great fan! Addie will get to look back and see comments from you too and that is a great gift! We love-a-love-a-you!