girls night out

"Getting the grits" on her mama! Love her!
Addie and I had a much needed mother-daughter date this last weekend! I can't remember the last time it was just her and I, so it was very special to me and hopefully to her too.

We went to watch her friend, Allie, dance in her recital. My hope is that next year she will be in the same recital and just the thought of that makes me well up with tears. I could hardly hold them back while she sat in my lap and watched the girls perform. It was the same feeling I got when we checked out the preschool she'll be attending in the fall. I don't think all of the emotion is because I'm sad she is growing up, I think it's tears of joy and pride that I know I will have when I see her enjoying the opportunities we are fortunate enough to be able to give her.

As excited as I am for her (and Liam) though, I don't think I've ever wished so badly for time to just stand still. My heart sank today, as I turned over all of the calendars to July, the month our little girl turns 3 years old and our baby boy turns 3 months old. Gulp.

1 comment:

auntie pam said...

So many wonderful moments with your children! I am so glad you are able to spend the time with them! A blessing for all of you. You 2 look so pretty going to the dance recital. Love you!