i is for inchworms

For letter I, we did some fun activities from the Confessions of a Homeschooler Blog, which included an adorable number sort. Addie had to count all of the holes each worm had eaten and match them up with the number on the worm. Also, I had bought a set of alphabet books with very easy and patterned sentences in them. For every new letter, Addie and I read one corresponding book and I make sure to point to each word as I read. I always read the book twice for repetition, hoping that maybe she will start recognizing the sight words or at very least make the connection that each group of letters makes a word.
Last, we went to the library for Insectaganza! A scientist from UC Davis came out and talked (a lot) to the kids about insects. Addie had difficulty, as many other youngsters did too, to keep her body still and turned into a wiggle worm, so we left a little early. But as the scientist began her talk, she asked how many species of insects people thought there were. Children and adults started tossing out numbers. Then Addie surprised me and raised her hand. I had no idea if she knew what they were talking about, so I just sat back waiting for her answer. When she was called on, she said, "Ummm...BUTTERFLY!" That gave everyone a good laugh and she came proudly running to me, to tell me she said, "butterfly!" Too cute.

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