Addie's Ice Cream Party

On Sunday, we celebrated Addelyn's second birthday! We are so thankful to our family for helping us put it on and to all of our friends for helping make this a special day for Addie! 

All ready for GUESTS!
Pin the Cherry on the Sundae
The kiddos got to stick their cherry on the ice cream cone for a prize. Un-blind folded of course!
Sundae Stroll
This was really the game called, cake walk. We danced around to the ice cream cones with numbers on them and stopped when the music stopped. Aunt Pam called a number and handed out prizes. We had a blast!
Thank you all so much! Addie got the best gift of all this weekend...she got the opportunity to practice SHARING with cousin Marek!

1 comment:

pam baker said...

An ice cream party for your 2nd birthday! Your mom and dad do so many special touches to make your birthdays fun for you! I know someday when you are older and looking at this, you will know how much you are loved Baby Girl Widmer!