Bye Bye Paci

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to my sweet baby girl sob for what is comforting to her. She cries as she sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (the last book we read) and then she stops for a little bit and starts crying again for her paci. It is a pitiful cry, the one you know you can instantly fix, if only you could do the easy thing. I knew this day was going to have to come, and I also know that someday I'll look back on this and wish weaning her from her paci was the biggest task at hand, but frankly I'm having a hard time fighting back tears myself.

Here's some snip-its of our journey, saying goodbye to paci...
It all started about 6 months ago when we started weaning her from her paci during the day. Today we decorated a little bag for the new baby next door.
Addie took her newly decorated bag on a scavenger hunt for all the pacis in the house.
She was quite enthusiastic about it.

Then we knocked on the neighbor's door and left the pacis with Baby Aiden's Grammy.
She did a great job handing them over and didn't even hesitate.
Kevin and I were proud parents, but sad for her because we knew what was in store.
When she got back to her bedroom, she found a big girl present!
She got a pillow pet, which she calls her pig pillow. And...
a turtle, which lights up and puts stars on the ceiling.

1 comment:

pam baker said...

Ooooooh, this story tugs on my old heart strings. The big girl gifts should make it a little easier to give up old paci! You can do it big girl!