H is for...

It's your turn letter H! We read My Hands! by Aliki and used our hands to eat H toast with honey, and honeydew melon. The hat she has on in every picture was her choice. I thought to take the birthday hat off when I reached for my camera but then thought, why not capture the true essence of Addie. Plus...h for hat! How did she know that?! Ha! Ha! We did some hand painting (and other parts of our body as well) and went on a nice little hike! How's that letter H!?


Nic & Crystal Linnet said...

Awwwww....LOVE the letter H!!

pam baker said...

Oh Happy day! I Hope your Hike wasn't too Hot! Were there in Hills? How did you like the Honeydew? Your Hair looked great under your Hat. Love-a-love-a-you. Hugs to your mama and High five to your dada!