N is for...

Letter N! How appropriate to read The Napping House, since napping has been a bit of a challenge for us lately. Addie really liked this book, she's been toting it around all day! I printed off some characters from the story, one set of characters are awake and the other asleep. Then we practiced putting all of the sleeping characters on one bed and all of the awake characters on another. Next I played the CD version of this story and we acted out the story with the characters.
After this we did a very tactile activity! (I used to do this one with my Kindergartners.) I cooked noodles (without olive oil, so they'd be sticky) and Addie placed them on the letter N. She loved this and I let her play with the noodles for as long as she pleased. And tonight we'll eat nachos with nectarines for dessert!

1 comment:

pam baker said...

Nachos and nectarines for dinner sounds Nummy! Next time add some Nice marinara sauce!